Total Medals Earned: 515 (From
93 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 12,915 Points
Spend less than 5 minutes on the instructions.
Press A to view your inventory
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Press the M Key to Mute the Game
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Find SevenSeize's Secret Movie
Find Magical-Zorse's Hidden Flash
Spend more than 5 minutes on the instructions
Find John Van Deusen's lost pick.
Complete the tutorial
Complete all tasks at Haven 1.
Win a Skirmish battle on hard difficulty
Complete all tasks at Haven 2
Collect a part of a BattleCore
Complete the Campaign
Get a total achievement score of 30.000
Retrieve the tape from Felicity.
Defeat Clemons first time without using team mates. Challenging or Heroic difficulty.
Defeat Hydra first time without dealing over 2000 damage during fight. Challenging or Heroic difficulty.
Defeat Captain Hunt without any training fights and without repeating any defeated bosses. Heroic difficulty.
Defeat the Corruptor in Zone 7.
Complete the first chapter.
Complete the second chapter.
Complete a level made in the map editor.
Complete the third chapter.
Complete the fourth chapter.
Complete the final chapter.
Complete the bonus chapter.
Score 50 points in easy mode.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Score 50 points in medium mode.
Score 50 points in advanced mode.
Score 100 points in nightmare mode.
Kill the first enemy.
Destroy all the bunnies.
Explode the big mean door.
Die over 100 times.
Defeat Slash in Guitar Hero.
Complete the game.
Finish the game without dying more than 20 times.
X marks the spot!
Give 'em a pinch!
Knock that smug grin off Ryu's stupid face!
Nobody likes a turtle!
Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick!
Oh Ono!
Watch the whole thing without skipping.
Find all the secret movies!
Go 1000 km for the mother land
Go 5000 km for great power
Go 10000 km to prove your loyalty
Survive 15 seconds without jumping.
Submit your score.
Die by falling off the edge.
Stay alive for 50 block-drops
Die by getting squished.
Perform 15 corner-flips in one game.
Complete the Tutorial.
Play the game for at least 20 minutes.
Stay alive for 100 block-drops.
Jump 50 times in one game.
Earn a score of 45+ seconds without jumping.
Stay alive for 250 block-drops.
Perform 3 consecutive wall-jumps.
Perform 6 consecutive wall-jumps.
Stay alive for 1337 block-drops.
Nuke more than 20 enemies at once
Get a multiplier on a boss
Heal an enemy ship
Have an attraction beam live for 15+ seconds
Beat the game with one missile still left on the screen
Beat the game
Get a full planet
Get hit after destroying exactly 30 enemies without getting hit
Get a chain of 10+
Have a spike at the end of the game
Beat the game using exactly 2 nukes and have ones leftover at the end
Kill 1000 enemies
Beat the game without continuing
Get 5 spikes on the planet at once
Convert a boss into a spike